What are Stack and Heap in JavaScript?

What are Stack and Heap in JavaScript?

April 1, 2024

In JavaScript, stack and heap are two memory spaces used for different purposes during program execution...

Software Dev

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In JavaScript, Stack and Heap are two memory spaces used for different purposes during program execution.


The stack is a special region of memory where variables are stored in a LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) order. It's a sequential data structure with two main operations: push (adds an item to the top of the stack) and pop (removes an item from the top of the stack).


The heap is a larger, more free-form region of memory used for dynamic memory allocation. It's a pool of memory where objects, arrays, and other data structures are stored. Unlike the stack, which has a fixed size and a strict order of operations, the heap is more flexible.

Why Understanding Stack and Heap Matters?

Understanding the stack and heap is crucial for writing efficient and memory-safe JavaScript code.


In this example, the variable x is stored on the stack, while the array arr and object obj are stored on the heap.
function foo() {
let x = 10; // variable x is stored on the stack
let arr = [1, 2, 3]; // array arr is stored on the heap
let obj = {a: 1, b: 2}; // object obj is stored on the heap



Understanding the stack and heap in JavaScript helps developers write more efficient, memory-safe code. By knowing how variables are stored and managed, you can optimize memory usage and improve the performance of your applications.

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